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Home Bible Study
Reason for a Home Bible Study

Thank you for your registration

Cutting Cake





  • In the Beginning

  • The Garden of Eden

  • Adam & Eve

  • Cain & Abel



How was your week? Open discussion, questions, prayer


12:30 PM EST


I know you’ve been going through a lot of stuff lately, and I’m wondering if you would like to meet with a few of us via ZOOM to encourage each other and discuss questions about life, God, and the Bible.


I have found the Bible to be full of wisdom and encouragement for life. Many of us may have a desire to read and understand the Bible but are uncertain of just how to do it. 


I believe that many people are searching for God and answers to tough questions about faith right now.


We’re going to start Tuesdays at 7:00-8:00 p.m.


The question for the night will be “What was your first recollection of God?” 


we would plan on getting together for about 6-8 weeks with a new question about God each week. 


Can you join us? I’d love to have you come!


Let me know if you want to come so I have a head count. 



We cordially invite you to come join us each week as we gather together to glorify God through fellowship with one another and to study God’s Word, the Bible. At Wisdom & Life Church, we believe the Bible is true and that it tells us how we can obtain new life through a personal relationship with God. Likewise, the Bible provides practical answers to life’s questions for all who are willing to listen and obey what it teaches. Because of this, Wisdom & Life Church is firmly dedicated to the straight-forward expository preaching and teaching of God’s Word. You will simply enjoy a warm, friendly atmosphere where God’s Word is clearly taught and Jesus Christ is honored and glorified.

Whether or not you choose to visit us at Grace Bible Church, the most important invitation anyone could ever accept is God’s invitation to all people to enjoy life eternal and a relationship with Him through personal faith in the person and work of His Son, Jesus Christ. He died and rose again for you! The very God who created you has made provision for you to have a relationship with Him right now. God’s Word gives us the answers!

If do not currently attend another faithful local church or if you desire to hear more about how to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and grow in that relationship with Him, please come study the Bible with us and let us know if we can be of help to you.




We, at Grace Bible Church, would like to invite those who are living in and around Windsor, Ontario, Canada to attend a 13-week Bible Study titled “Fundamentals of the Faith” starting Friday July 19, 2019.  The study will be on Friday nights from 7:30pm-9:00pm in the church basement. Our church is located at 318 McEwan Avenue, Windsor, ON N9B2E6.

This study will address key issues such as Introduction to the Bible, How to Study the Bible, Attributes of God, Salvation, Prayer, Spiritual Gifts, Evangelism, Obedience, God’s Will and Guidance, etc. This interactive study will (1) Help new Christians to grow in the faith; (2) Equip mature Christians to disciple others and (3) Enable those who are still seeking to understand clear truths about the Christian faith.

The workbook will be provided free of charge along with free bibles as well. One does not have to be a part of our church to attend this study. It’s open to all! So, please feel free to come, learn, share, be blessed and be a blessing to others! If the Lord Jesus is glorified in and through you, we have our reward!!!

The only thing we ask is that you let us know by Tuesday July 16 if you would like to participate in this study.…………………………………

Dear friends,

I want to let you know about a Bible study that I am excited to be doing this fall! 

In this study, we will learn to pray powerfully to change others’ lives – and our own! It’s going to be a powerful study!

We will have our first meeting on [insert date and time] at [insert location] for a total of six weeks.  Let me know if you have any questions

For the Glory of His Name, 

[Your Name]

Contact Us

WLA - Greenfield Park

321 Empire, Greenfield Park

Quebec  J4V 1V4




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